Friday, September 03, 2010

More Candy

I have been corresponding with a vendor in Turkey. I finally asked him his name, because we could not determine what his name actually was from the emails. His name is Ahmet Erhan, by the way. So we send some emails back and forth about personal information, not just the usual price, delivery, shipping, etc. He asked me if I was Mr Ron wife or sister. I told him we were a family business and that I was Ron's wife and that we had 3 children and 7 grandchildren.
This is what he emailed me, unedited  and without spellcheck:
"family business it is good I am always happy when I do business more sincere more warm because its family
when you ask anyone here who is more value and candy , childeren or grandchilderen many people says here grandchilderen

for you what about this sitation who are more candy for you ,your childeren or grandchilderen

I wish you and your family healty long life and your children and grandchilderen"

I love that, my grandchildren are more "CANDY"!


Andrea said...

That is funny...and I think that the kids would love that they are "more candy",they would probably like to eat that candy!

Maher Family said...

I love this. It is a great way to look at it!